Map of Sto. Domingo Albay |
Sto. Domingo is a 4th class in the municipality of the province of Albay. Sto. Domingo was a former barrio of Ibalon, then the Municipality of Albay, now Legazpi City. It became a separate Municipality in 1749 through the uproar of its inhabitants and under the leadership of Don Diego Castellanos who took the matter first to the authorities in Manila, and to the Bishop of Ambos Camarines.
The town of Sto. Domingo was originally named Libog. Albay historians say that there were a number of stories on the origin of the name Libog. One version is that libog was derived from the Bikol word “labog” meaning unclear water for there was a time when there was no potable water anywhere in the locality. Another has it that the town might have been called after “labog” (jellyfish), which abound in its coastal water. “Libod” (behind) is another version because the town’s position is behind the straight road from Legazpi to Tabaco across Basud to Sta. Misericordia. Another version is the corrupted form of the word “libot” which means round about or winding way. In the early days of Spanish invasion, there were two routes passing through this place to Tabaco: one trail was straight or a short cut and the other was a round about (libot) way passing through the center of the town (via Poblacion).Hence, this town was named “El Pueblo de Liboug”, by the Spanish conquerors.

In 1816, one hundred fifty-nine (159 Moro pirates and six (6) vintas attacked the town, taking them one captive, Juan De la Conception, who was able to return after 30 years. The attack prompted the people to construct watchtowers and walls along the shores, which served as their shelter from attacks. Ruins of there walls are still existing.
Sto. Domingo Church
Saint Dominic of Guzman Church |
Built in 1820, the Sto. Domingo Church has two dome-shaped belfries, framing the main structure, which is the reason why it’s sometimes referred to as the Twin Belfry Church. It is built from solid squared stone walls unsupported by pillars, held together by a mixture of lime, “tangguli” (molasses) and egg albumin. This is the same binder used in other old churches like the Baclayon Church in Bohol.
St. Dominic of Guzman Church, Sto. Domingo, ALbay |
The first church was made of wood and basag (bamboo split). Here the statue of the patron saint Sto. Domingo (St. Dominic de Guzman), whose feast is observed every August 4, was placed. When the church was burned in 1882, the Spanish priests built a new one the present artistic church with “piedras ladradas” chiseled balustrades and twin domes.
Resorts and Beaches
The beaches in this area are best for viewing. Resorts along the Sto Domingo coastline offer a wonderful view of the black beach, the Albay Gulf and a part of the Legazpi City area. Some resorts offer entertainment facilities. Some have private pools.
Sto. Domingo, Black Sand Beaches |
Sto. Domingo,Albay-- One need not travel to Hawaii or Maui, where some of the top black-sand beaches are, to see one of the most beautiful pure black-sand beaches in existence. The Sto. Domingo beach in Albay, here in the Philippines is one of the purest, finest and most authentic black-sand beaches in the world.
Manhattan Beach Resort
(Calayukai, Sto. Domingo, Albay)
Puerto Vista Resort
(Sto. Domingo Albay)
Barrios Kid's Pool
(Sto. Domingo Albay)
Jungle Beach Resort
(Sto Domingo Albay)
--I'll be adding more pictures of awesome beaches and info. about Sto. Domingo, Albay. ,..(@,~)..,